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Grapefruit with Honey Black Tea

As the weather starts to cool down in autumn and the refreshing breeze greets you, it’s the perfect time to indulge in a homemade cup of grapefruit honey black tea to soothe your throat and enjoy the season.

Grapefruit, also known as pomelo, is tangy and slightly bitter. Its low sugar and calorie content make it a popular choice for weight loss. Nutritionally, grapefruit is rich in fiber and packed with vitamins and minerals, and its antioxidant properties contribute to overall health. Eating grapefruit regularly can indeed be beneficial for your body.

Grapefruit is packed with nutrients and is low in sugar and calories, making it beneficial for health. However, it may not be suitable for everyone, especially those taking medication for high blood pressure.

Grapefruit isn’t suitable for everyone?

Grapefruit isn’t suitable for everyone. According to some online sources, grapefruit may not be ideal for those taking high blood pressure medication. This is because grapefruit can interact with certain antihypertensive drugs, as both rely on intestinal enzymes for metabolism. When consumed together, grapefruit and the medication compete for these enzymes, potentially reducing the effectiveness of the drug by half. However, this doesn’t mean that people with high blood pressure should avoid grapefruit entirely; rather, it’s recommended to space the consumption of grapefruit and medication by at least 4 hours.

Nevertheless, grapefruit still has its nutritional value. This time, BigBoy is using grapefruit to make a special drink, and with the addition of soothing honey, it's perfect for autumn and winter.




½ bulb


2 tbsp

Black Tea

1-2 tsp


2 sprigs

Warm Water



1. Peel the grapefruit and cut it into chunks.

2. In a bowl, combine the grapefruit and mint leaves, and mash them together.

3. Combine the mashed grapefruit and mint, honey, and tea leaves in a tall container. Add warm water and mix well.

4. Refrigerate for 1 hour before serving.

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