Hong Kong-style Soy Sauce Chicken is a widely recognised dish that is remarkably simple to prepare yet incredibly flavourful. This time, BigBoy adds a small twist by incorporating preserved plums into the soy sauce base, cleverly infusing the sauce with a sweet and fruity aroma.

Stewed Plum Soy Sauce Chicken is a classic dish with a unique flavour, distinguished by its slow soaking method. This technique not only allows the chicken to gradually absorb the aromatic spices but also ensures that the meat remains tender and is infused with a subtle plum sweetness. Throughout the soaking process, the chicken becomes increasingly flavourful and maintains a delicate texture, making each bite rich in aroma and taste.
Since this dish is cooked by slow steeping, precise temperature control is crucial. The soy sauce mixture needs to be kept between 80-90°C. When the liquid starts to emit a lot of steam and small bubbles appear on the surface, reduce the heat to low immediately. Place the whole chicken into the pot, maintaining a steady stream of steam without allowing it to boil. Keeping the mixture at this state for a prolonged period ensures the chicken soaks up the flavours without becoming overcooked, resulting in a tender and delicious outcome.

Stewed Plum Soy Sauce Chicken is a highly appealing home-cooked dish. By mastering temperature control, the chicken naturally absorbs the flavours from the soy sauce and plum spices, creating a harmonious pairing that feels like the perfect culinary companion on the table.
Basic Ingredients
Chicken | 1 each |
Ginger Slices | 4 slices |
Spring Onion | 2 sprigs |
Salt | 3 tsp |
Water | 2 L |
Soy Sauce with Salty Plums
Salty Plums | 15each |
Dried Spice (Cinnamon, cardamom, cloves, star anise, fennel seeds, and dried black cardamom, etc.) | 70g |
Soy Sauce | 500ml |
Dark Soy Sauce | 100ml |
Rock Sugar | 300g |
Water | 3L |
